Bilingual Toys
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Of course there are many other Bilingual toys available online but these are my top picks!
Baby Einstein: Magic Touch - Curiosity Tablet
This was one of my first introductions to Bilingual toys and was gifted to me at my baby shower by a very special friend. It opened my curiosity around the subject of Bilingual toys. Baby Einstein has a fantastic range of toys that can switch between English, Spanish and French. You can source Baby Einstein products from various stores such as Big W, Kmart or to name a few.
Hap-P-Kid Bilingual Spanish English Hippo Counting Toy
This little hippo is very sweet and was gifted to my son for his First Birthday, my fellow Spanish friend tracked it down online. The hippo counts numbers in Spanish as you feed it lettuce.
Baby Einstein Octoplush Musical Toy
This cute little Octoplush is also great for Tummy Time, known for teaching colours. I’ve found that now that my son is older 14~ months he isn’t as interested in this toy however it was a great way to entertain him as a pre-walker. It is often spotted at Big W but similarly to the other Einstein products, they can be found at Baby Bunting or other department stores/online alternatives.
Baby Einstein Glow & Discover Light Bar Toys
The Baby Einstein Glow & Discover Light Bar is fantastic for tummy time. It has a range of timeless classical songs that don’t get “stuck in your head” as much as some of the other toys on the market. You can switch between two modes “verbal education and music” The bright colours light up when you spin the clear ball in the middle. We will happily recommend this item to our readers who are seeking bilingual play.
Our favourite books
My First English-Espanol Learning Library by Wonder House
This little set has been one of my favourite book purchases. If there is only one bilingual book purchase you buy, it should be this one. My son adores the animal’s page and regularly seeks out the little books during his independent playtime. The books are also a great size for travel! One thing to note is that there were some variances in how some words are said in our household so to avoid confusion I got my hands on some white electrical tape and replaced some of the words to reflect our dialect.
Puzzles are very hard to physically source from your traditional department stores, I have only had success by making my own Alphabet bilingual puzzle (that’s a blog for another day!) and by searching online where ultimately the majority of the bilingual puzzle products can be sourced.
BEGINAGAIN have the most gorgeous chunky and double-sided wooden puzzles that promote hand-eye coordination and problem-solving abilities. This Counting Chameleon is vibrant and is made from sustainably harvested rubber wood.
BEGINAGAIN strikes again with these gorgeous high-quality Color N Eggs Bilingual Puzzle. These eggs are ultra-cute and could be an eggscellent alternative to chocolate for an Easter present! Just make sure you keep an eye out on Amazon because they often sell out!
It took me quite a long time to land on these blocks due to them mostly needing to be sourced from America but in my opinion, they are worth the price and waiting for and my son loves them.
They are quite lightweight compared to standard wooden blocks so they won’t knock you out if your child accidentally throws it at someone!
Uncle Goose
Similarly to the Kidskorner blocks, this bilingual product has an expensive price point. Both these products typically need to be sourced from America and are hard to track down online because they sell out fast. If I had not been able to successfully source the Kidskorner blocks this would’ve been another happy alternative.